Tasked to create a bottle design of any kind, I went with honey bottles! An original with a normal honey bee, a heavy bottle, with a thicker bee, and a light bottle, with a skinnier bee. All created using Illustrator and Photoshop. An exacto knife and glue stick were used to cut out the bees/labels and glue them onto the bottle.
Vinyl Record, Backstage Pass and Magazine Spread
Tasked with designing a bundle package of any artist of our choice, I chose one of my favorite hip hop artists and role models, Kid Cudi. I illustrated Kid Cudi using Photoshop and Illustrator, and created the magazine spread in InDesign. This package won the best project in my Package Design class at Seton Hall University. A shirt was also created for this bundle, but it was never photographed, unfortunately.
Paul Rand: Life Booklet
In one of my final Graphic Design and Advertising courses at Seton Hall University, we were suppose to create an informational booklet on any topic of our choice. I chose Paul Rand, one of the greatest designers of our time. I created this booklet in InDesign, however incorporated the use of Photoshop to select, manipulate, and cut out several elements from Paul Rand's many known works and pieces, to decorate my page around all the information correctly. Keeping in mind all the compositional aspects that make the booklet easy to read and fun to look at. It is definitely one of my favorite projects that I have done.
Michael Jordan Brochure
The objective of this project was to create an informational brochure on any topic of our choice, I decided to go with Michael Jordan and his legacy of shoes and the meaning behind them. Being a sneaker-head myself, this project was very enjoyable to do, I used Photoshop to edit and cut out pictures of all the shoes, and I used InDesign to create the brochure and arrange all the information around the cut outs of the shoe and his body. It serves to show the reader, all the different shoes, examples of Michael Jordan wearing them in game, and the year and additional information around each respective shoe. 
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